
The Hindus of the Indian subcontinent have, even in the face of extreme cruelty and death, resolutely confronted and resisted the threat to life, property and religion for over a thousand years – first by successive Muslim invaders of shades and hues, who ruled the land of Hindus for over five hundred years, and by Christian traders and missionaries who occupied their land for two hundred years. Colonial rule ended with the vivisection of their homeland, creating a separate nation-state for Muslims (West and East Pakistan), but the threat from Islam and Christianity, to what remains of India, has not mitigated. The Hindus of divided India are still under siege. The Church has declared that determined to plant the cross in Asia and will ‘harvest’ the souls of Hindus and gather the Christian fold, while Islam as determined as ever to conquer territory through violent means after altering the demography of territories in favour.

Large parts of Asia managed to survive the holocaust of colonialism because the pervasive influence of Hindu (and this includes the Buddhist) civilization which had deep roots in almost all the social structures of societies. Asia and Africa share common history in that many of their countries were occupied and subjected to alien rule, first by Muslim invaders and later by European colonizers. In countries- for example, in Egypt, Sudan, South Africa, Iran, and Afghanistan, to name only a few – traces of pre-Islamic and pre-Christian religions and cultures have been wiped out completely. Islam and Christianity have divided between them, almost equally, the entire continent of Africa.

A similar fate awaits Asia if effective resistance is not built up to stanch the expansionist designs of both Islam and Christianity, both of which have built into their theology as the religious duty of the faithful, to wipe off from the face of this earth, all other religions.

The first step towards formulating strategy to combat the expansionist ambitions of Islam and Christianity would be to subject both religions to close, intellectual scrutiny. This would entail a study of theology and their worldwide, which alone will explain the psyche the adherents of both faiths. Unless we understand why the entire Muslim and Christian clergy, without exception, and large sections of Christian and Muslim laity, consider it religious duty to destroy all other faiths and cultures through religious conversion by force or fraud, we cannot even begin to devise effective strategies to stop. Some beliefs of Islam and Christianity are given for a reader completely unaware of these religions.

Hindu religion classifies victors in war into three categories – the dharmavijaya, the lobhavijayi, and the asuravijayi – is he, whose conduct during war and after the war, with regard to people and the territory he has won, is governed by norms of Dharma; he, whose conduct during and after the war is governed by greed (this involves waging a war motivated only by greed and looting and plundering the people who have been overrun); and he, whose conduct during and after war is asuric, i.e. any and every means are employed to kill, maraud, loot, plunder, offer physical violence to women, and finally completely devastate and exterminate the conquered. Hindus and all other non-Islamic and non- Christian peoples would thus consider Islam and Christianity to be asuric religions because both the Koran and the Bible call upon the faithful to destroy all other religions and cultures, and thus for twenty centuries now, the adherents of non-aggressive religions have been victims of wave upon wave of the asuravijayi.

The concept of secularism, which plagues our polity and informs the mind of establishment intellectuals, is the biggest hurdle that stands in the way of unmasking the face of these two religions in India. Both religions have historically proved that they do not subscribe to the concept of nation, to the idea of the sanctity of societies and their traditions and cultures, and above all to the concept of democracy. But in India, both religions expect that the Hindus will be democratic, secular, respect their religions in total, which includes even those dogmas inimical to the existence and well-being of Hindu themselves, and above all, will provide them the ideological space for cultural, religious and political pluralism to enable them to work unhindered to fulfill their religious duty to convert India to their faiths.

This book is a timely effort to look at the theology of Islam from the Hindu perspective and to trace the history of the presence of this religion in the sub-continent. The book also deals with the imminent threat to Hindus posed by the demographic changes that are occurring in large parts of our country.

This book has been written from a sense of dharmic duty towards this bhoomi and her rishis and acharyas who have preserved for all of us, through several yugas, this most ancient of all religions, the Sanatana dharma. It is the sacred duty of Hindus to protect this dharma and pass on the sacred heritage to our progeny. We hope this book will motivate more and more Hindus to do their duty by their religion and culture. We also hope that the Muslim readers of this website understand that Islam is FALSE and thereby leave this religion. We have given a lot of evidence that this religion is FALSE, the Koran was not written by God. Even Christian readers should realize that God is not Jealous, Jesus is not the only way to God, and idolatry & polytheism are not unforgivable sins.

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